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Investing for Climate Justice: An Intersectional Approach

Climate change and social inequality are two material and systemic risks facing the global economy and investment portfolios over the coming decades. In this paper, we demonstrate the relationship between climate change and social justice, highlight how investors can implement an intersectional approach to climate justice in their portfolios, and outline three steps investors should consider to help ensure our transition to a low-carbon economy is inclusive and just.

October 2021

Should Clients Consider Diversity When Making Investment Decisions?

Diversity is not just about gender or ethnicity—it is about having different perspectives, different points of reference, and different experiences. Homogeneous investment teams are more susceptible to groupthink, missing out on unknown opportunities, and being blind to some risks. Investors should consider diversity in the investment decision-making process, as we expect a diversity of thought and talent will lead to better investment outcomes than a process that ignores this important issue.

May 2021

Reshaping Industry Audio Series: Racial Equity Investing

In the first episode of our Reshaping Industry audio series, we tackle the evolving landscape of racial equity investing, particularly in the wake of George Floyd’s death, and talk key steps that institutional investors can take to achieve racial equity goals within their portfolios.

September 2020

Racial Equity Investing: The Time Is Now

In 2018, we reviewed the state of social equity investing, with a focus on racial equity investing. The themes we highlighted then are even more relevant today. In this paper, we discuss the renewed sense of urgency around racial equity investing and put forward three actions investors can take to address the inequities inherent in our society.

July 2020

Mission-Related Investing: Insights and Perspectives

Investor approaches to mission-related investing (MRI) are as varied as the social and environmental outcomes they seek to achieve. Based on responses from 148 clients—54 of which are engaged in mission-related investing—this chart book explores trends in the structure, implementation, and governance of MRI programs; investor motivations and perceived challenges; and expectations for future growth […]

September 2018

Social Equity Investing: Righting Institutional Wrongs

There is perhaps no better time for social equity investing. Many institutional investors have long sought to promote social equity through grant making and other philanthropic endeavors. With the field of impact investing maturing, these institutions are now increasingly seeking investment solutions to accomplish the same goal.

July 2018

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