The Forgotten 70%: Strategies for Pension Plans Accruing Benefits
Plans with active participants need a holistic, flexible risk budgeting approach—not a simple glide path.
July 2015
Plans with active participants need a holistic, flexible risk budgeting approach—not a simple glide path.
July 2015
Late-stage investing is challenging. As central banks around the globe have generally been in easing mode, valuations for bonds and risk assets have appreciated, leaving very little value and some pockets of froth. Ultra-low yields have pushed investors into increasingly risky assets—from high yield bonds to venture capital—in search of attractive returns. In this webinar, […]
July 2015
Private investing without a fee drag! Directly invest in the best companies alongside the best general partners! The headlines resound, while GP offerings and investor interest in co-investments swell. Our analysis shows that co-investment returns have the potential to outpace private fund investment returns. However, not every individual co-investment outperforms, and therein lies the rub. This report frames the opportunities and common pitfalls of co-investing, leveraging our aggregated data on co-investments and funds generating co-investment.
March 2015
The competitive advantages and resulting return profile of sector specialists should not be ignored when constructing a long-term private equity portfolio
November 2014
The Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014, which temporarily maintains the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, can benefit most pension plan sponsors by giving them flexibility around the timing and amount of contributions for the next several years, but may not decrease the total amount of contributions required over the long term.
August 2014
The construction and calibration of a liability hedging portfolio is integral to effective pension portfolio risk management, and this report delineates key considerations and best practices for the liability hedge allocation.
May 2014
Private investments often play an important role in an investor’s portfolio, yet the inconsistent methodologies typically used to evaluate private investment performance and public market performance result in a lack of understanding about true relative performance. This report provides our views on best practices for measuring private investment performance and introduces a framework for benchmarking private investments.
March 2014